Monday, June 20, 2011

As the drama unfolds...

So today (as I'm getting ready to go to the airport to fly to Finland, yet again, this time to sign important papers) I get a message from the German transporter via my German speaking friend that he will be picking up Little Love from our meeting point in France on the 4th of July.  What?!!!!  Didn't I specifically inform him that she MUST leave no later than on the 3rd, because that is the day I MUST leave myself (along with family) so that we can make the boat in Northern Germany that will take us to Finland. 

I panicked.  All my thoughts of being there for Little Love when she loaded into the truck in France, being there for her in Northern Germany at the barn so she would know I hadn't abandoned her... all that was about to NOT happen.  I would have to take her to France on the 3rd, leave her at a strange barn and trust that this German guy would pick her up the next morning and take her to the barn in Germany where she would reside for x amount of days - alone - just to be put in another truck days later...

Call me a hysterical horse owner (I think my husband is starting to get to the point that he will soon call me that...), but I was just not going to accept this.  At first I thought that perhaps the best idea would be to get someone - a Swiss horse transport person - to take Little Love all the way to the German barn in his trailer/small truck.  I knew it was an expensive option as I had researched it before, but at least I could be there for her when she loaded and when she arrived.  But then I remembered how much she panicked being alone in the trailer.  I also remembered how much she sweated when we brought her from her previous home to Becky's barn.  30 minutes in the trailer and she was soaking wet.  Would she sweat like that for ten hours straight?  Would she survive the trip if she did?  Those small trucks don't have airconditioning either and Little Love doesn't drink when she travels.  Heck, she barely drinks 24 hours after she travels. 

At this point I recited a selection of several four letter words (and some five letter Finnish ones as well) and then called my two best friends.  What would I do without my friends?  I'd be in a nut house, I think.  They managed to help me get a cleared picture of what was important and what not.  Thank you! (you know who you are :-)

Finally I called my German speaking friend back and told her to talk to the German guy.  My German is very elementary and this called for some major skills.  Was the 4th REALLY the only option? 

Turns out it wasn't.  She could also leave on the 30th.  Which is like, um, next week Thurday.  Wow.  That is soon.  But heck, I'll take it.  I could go up to France with her, see her off to Germany and meet her there.  In fact, depending on the Finnish transporter guy, I could even hang out in Germany with her for a few days before my boat left.  I did ask my husband if he was alright with it, and luckily he was :-)  Now I just have to get the okay from the Finnish guy.  Keep your fingers crosses.

But what comes to this drama... it was so unnecessary and I swear took at least a year off my life.  And we haven't even made it to the actual traveling part yet.  I think I will need a glass of wine after this ordeal is over.  Or perhaps a bottle.


  1. Oh my goodness... what a tense story, I was anxious just reading it! Well K, you did the right thing accepting no less than what is best for Little Love. Her comfort and emotional well being would most likely never have been a factor to most trailering experiences in her past... good for you to demand this. It would be brilliant if you could hang out with her for those couple days while waiting for the next transport in Germany... oh Lilo would be so blessed to have you there! I think you would be blessed to have Lilo with you too. I know this will work out just the way you want, I'll keep my good thoughts going for you both!

  2. I think you should invest in a case ;) Just keep telling yourself that this will all be over soon and she'll be with you in your new home. It'll be okay.
